Climate Mobilization Network
Network Spotlight
The Climate Mobilization’s vision is for every community to have an ambitious, effective, and growing climate organization.
Network Videos
Advise and guidance to inform local climate organizing from our brilliant Network partners.
Centering BIPOC Organizing
Hear a representative from TCM North Jersey talk about that groups efforts to increase support of Black, brown and indigenous organizers in their region.
Funding local climate action
A representative from Maine Youth for Climate Justice shares insights on funding local climate organizing and creating climate emergency declarations with teeth.
Network Spotlight
Network Spotlight
Indigenous People of the Coastal Bend
Network member Indigenous People of the Coastal Bend is an intertribal grassroots organization from Corpus Christi, Texas. Their mission is to preserve and conserve indigenous culture and environment in the Coastal Bend area. Recent work has focused on successfully halting the construction of and expanded Enbridge oil terminal on the ancestral settlement and land of the Karankawa Kadla.

We are dedicated to sharing the lessons learned from our local Network groups, accelerating a wave of radical local climate action, and scaling our work to make a greater impact on the broader climate justice movement alongside our critical movement partners.

Network Spotlight
Extinction Rebellion
San Francisco Bay
Network member Extinction Rebellion San Francisco Bay uses non-violent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency and brings action to San Francisco, California and surrounding areas. XRSFBay works alongside other local campaigns and ally organizations, like in a recent campaign to push Wells Fargo Bank to stop funding new fossil fuel projects.